Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Hello NASA. I come in peace.

I am here to apply to work with you. Nice. Now I'll begin.

Please begin or borrow social profilings from the DEA/NSA/CIA/FBI for me. Disregard all arrogance and various misgivings and consider the big picture and the picture that I may be trying to portray in various populations for my/their benefit.

We're going to MARS. It's going to take about 40 years, they say, to get me drunk on Mars. 41, if my spiritual and game theories are right.

We're going to need a very BIG ship to transport our equipment and people there.

Dead astronauts and genetic discrimination raise difficult questions. Death is failure. What would we fail to bring to Mars that could cause a death by lack? We should bring enough oxygen to give some to sick astronauts, for example. We should bless this ship with our world's spiritual elites and pray that God guide it and pack it with angels.

We will build the largest spaceship in mankind's history. We should bring ~5000 people on the trip, as the human can effectively 'know' about 5000 people. There will be sex on that ship, dammit. Maybe there will be a few hundred births by the time we approach Mars if we are lucky.

Astronauts should have work to do on the ship. They will assemble robots and equipment, maintain fitness, and engage in social, spiritual, and educational exercises. They will interact with animals and maintain greenhouses.

We will bring everything required on Mars when we land, but for space and Martian sawdust/environment. I want engineer robots that build underground greenhouses. They will need to work with martosatellites we have established or launch soon, select terrain, dig and collect resources from a staffed warehouse, and repeat the process to spread seed throughout the Martian terrain, to prepare the atmosphere there for human and animal life. Astronauts will set plants, not robots. We will bring soil and microbes, a zooful of animals. All of this will be on the spaceship.

We will need to charge batteries from a martian em sphere, if it is usable, measure martoelectric hz, and collect energy from cosmic rays to power grow lights.

There will be a Martian city of ~5500. Astronauts will not be returning to earth promptly, so they are to carry on the role and work of human civilization on Mars.

We could launch from an upper atmosphere zeppelin or station. A Midairport might make the expense and work and experience of spaceflight more comfortable. Even if the Midairport is not permanent it would be a benefit.

The ship should be about 3-5km long. This is a physically tactical event. It will be begun ~2011. It will take 2-3 years to build, and launch around 2016.

Because of that size, the ship will probably need to be built on the ground. But we should circle the earth a few times before taking off to drop off satellites and load equipment from the intxnl space station and the midairport.

Kennedy took us to the moon in 9 years. We can leave for Mars in 9 years.

Astronauts should be selected for their fitness and participation in a constructive, active, healthy society. A large team working on a spaceship together for 3 years or so should build constructive bonds that will be carried and sustained into the new city. Educational programs for children born could be fundamental to NASA society.

fuel, energy, propulsion, mars city, equipment, mars 2060, screening, travel

Conventional fuel for this flight could require massively substantial reserves and be annoyingly heavy and expensive. By the time the ship is ready to be built we may have the option of using HHO as a propellant. Using HHO split from water would be light and cheap. Other fuel and propulsion sources, or gravity avoiding plans such as the making use of the midairport, could improve project efficiency.

Making energy on Mars for chemical cycles, e-, heat, and light can come from solar panels and cosmic radiation e- entrainment systems. This should run the city's functions, factories, facilities, and labs, and the greenhouses and robots and spaceport.

Since this is an extended stay adventure, all meaningful programs should be completed during the journey and within perhaps a month on the ground. This is not only a scientific experiment. A new human colony. Sustainabile social activities should be scheduled, suggested, and made voluntary and group meetings and 1-on-1 interviews between every crew member are standard. Every person is a voluntary auditor in their own style of every aspect of the city and crew, and accountable for the growth and development of every other member. Meeting closely with 6 other crew members every day for about 30 minutes to an hour each should take up a large portion of time, and group social meetings/activities and periodic experiments, grounds and condition examinations, and maintenances and education should take the rest.

A spaceport, airport, and Martian minimidairport should be installed shortly after arriving to prepare for a potential journey home. No major missions are scheduled from Mars to Earth, so it should be possible to use the colony ship as equipment for building Mars City and numerous Martian underground farms.

An underground farm may require only very few worked materials. It could be possible to dig a hole or ramp down into the Martian landscape and seal it with an airlock for maintenance bots or humans. Receivers on the surface or wires from installations can power grow lights and fiberoptic cables inside the clean air space where plants would breathe CO2 and produce oxygen and produce. This could require only little metal or wirt cornstarch for the airlock and certain underground structural elements and fixtures per square m^3 of farm. Eventually the Martian underground should cover the majority of Martian territory, providing that adequate space, soil, and water cycling can be achieved. Depending on Martian photo exposure conditions and crop and insect selections, densities, and yields, this process should power itself and be disease resistant. Each Mars underground harbor should be an ecological experiment, many focusing on biology and sustainability.

Mars city 2060 should have experienced numerous staffed additions since its founding, with voluntary organized crew return trips from crews on Mars City or Earthen or Martian volunteers for round trips. The foundational process of terraforming the Martian underground and atmosphere to make it suitable for human exposure should be well underway by that point, and Mars should be producing more than enough plant oil and vegetation for any number of humans.

A culture of humans is not just the books and recorded movies and other events we have done. It is continual to the second updating. The moment it is not happening it is history, not culture. Having a healthy living culture is ultimate to human society on earth. So it is on Mars.

Selection, travel.